4 CEO Secrets to A Healthy & Productive Workforce

Performance is down to its people so it makes sense to look after them!
Learn insider secrets to proven key tools and skills.

Secret #1 of 4: Thriving Under Pressure

You may not be able to change the stress that you are going through but you can build your resilience to pressure proof yourself.

For some leaders, being busy makes them feel productive but everyone needs downtime to allow them to think creatively and give of their best. If you recharge your batteries in this way, you will then have the ability to fight more battles.

Let me help you discover tools and skills that will help you to overcome specific challenges to reduce stress.

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Secret #2 of 4: Lead by Listening

Are your employees showing signs they’re disengaged or demotivated, like not delivering on their promises or not engaging in conversation?

There’s a good chance they don’t feel seen or listened to. Well, fortunately, there are some simple no-cost solutions that will significantly increase team performance.

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Secret #3 of 4: Healthy Teams, Healthy Profits

How healthy is your business? Did you know that according to the Mental Health Foundation, over 12% of all sickness absence days in this country can be attributed to mental health issues? Better support in the workplace can save businesses up to £8billion per year by reducing presenteeism and absenteeism.

Bringing health and wellbeing to the top of your agenda makes sense for the welfare of your employees and the long-term success of your business.

Here’s how to do it.

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Secret #4 of 4: Managing Change and Uncertainty

Are your teams ready for change?

In today’s world, it could be said that the only constant is change and it’s a trend that’s likely to continue. As creatures of habit, many people struggle to cope with imposed changes, while others will see them as an opportunity. Balancing the needs of both and maintaining stability for your business will take some skill and diplomacy.

Here’s how we suggest you can prepare people for the inevitable.

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