Tolley’s Managing Stress in the Workplace
In Paper Paperback (£48.99) or Hardcover (£126.00)
With one in five workers reported as having felt under extreme pressure at work, stress. Is overtaking the common cold as the biggest cause of absence from work? Cases such as Walker v Northumberland County Council [1995] have put stress firmly on the workplace agenda. The HSE has established stress in the workplace as a health and safety issue that needs to be recognised and managed through the use of risk assessment. Management in all organisations is now under pressure to put preventative measures in placed and to establish effective management techniques in order to tackle work-related stress. “Tolley’s Managing Stress in the Workplace” is a practical handbook that guides the manager through their responsibilities in this difficult area. It provides clear guidelines on stress management and prevention techniques and contains useful checklists, best practice recommendations, and case studies throughout, as well as HSE guidance.
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This book is for everyone – from an individual who needs to effectively manage their own stress, to a manager, supervisor or team leader who has to deal quickly with any stress-related problems in the workplace. This is your easy-to-follow, insider’s guide to equip you with all the tools, skills and techniques to help reduce your stress.