4 Easy Ways To Implement A Wellbeing Programme

A wellbeing programme is more than just a solution to improved performance and reduced rates of absenteeism. It is a proactive way to attract and retain top talent, helps employees to work better together, and keeps employees healthier and happier at work. 

Almost all managers see a direct correlation between workplace wellbeing and performance. However, the CIPD’s 2019 Health and wellbeing at work report, shows that only a third of private sector employers have a wellbeing strategy.  

It does not need to be costly and over-complicated, but it should be based on thorough research to get the RIGHT wellbeing programme for your employees and your organisation. 

Here are four ways to implement your wellbeing programme easily. 


What is the end goal? And, how will you measure it to know it has been achieved? Most organisations implement a few activity days and think that’s all there is to it, so committing to measurement already puts you ahead of most. You can do this through employee engagement, absenteeism or self-reported performance. Ask behavioural questions that will generate actionable data for example ‘to what extent do you enjoy your work?’


Before beginning any changes, it’s important to guage where you are RIGHT NOW. It helps you chart the impact of wellbeing and prove that it’s worth continuing. Dedicate time to audit what you already offer. Ask your employees for their opinions and accept what they have to say. Then, you can identify areas that need the most improvement which will deliver the greatest impact and have the highest value.


Find out what people might want. Simply ask for opinions around the workplace. Find out what your competitors offer and consider whether you could realistically offer the same or maybe even better. Some options are group fitness sessions, nutrition classes, Boardroom briefings, workshops, counselling services. It is a good idea to appoint a dedicated wellbeing team to be responsible for your strategy and measurement. The strategy should be varied and last all year long including regular sessions and one-off activities. 


You should invest in your wellbeing programme in a sustainable way. This isn’t simply about holding a one-off session and deciding that it has done the job. Wellbeing needs to be front and centre all year round, for many years to come. There is no harm in starting off with small steps, but ultimately you are aiming for long-term improvement that can only be brought about through the process of research, feedback, trial and review.

Any wellbeing programme needs to start from the top and cascade throughout the organisation. Employees need to see that the senior team are on board with any wellbeing initiative that is rolled out. It is vital that those in managerial positions have the people management skills to recognise the wellbeing needs of their employees. 

Wellbeing programmes are becoming increasingly popular as managers are witnessing for themselves the proven benefits of implementing them. So, join those today who are already reaping the rewards!

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