Happy people are the most productive
I totally endorse the new initiative from the Dubai Health Authority in introducing ‘happiness hours’ for hard working employees who complete their tasks to a high standard: the reward being that they will be allowed to leave work three hours early once a month.
Of course, the key to employee motivation with increased performance and productivity is dependent upon excellent management initiatives and good communications.
Provided that leaders appreciate and value their teams, then they will find they have a more engaged and inspired workforce who will always give of their best.
Phrases that increase performance and productivity
However, often the challenge is that many managers rarely know how to give praise and, therefore, a simple ‘thank you’ or ‘you’ve done really well and I appreciate that’…is rarely said.
'Thank you...','I appreciate what you have done','Well done'...
If managers bring this language into the average working day, they will find that they will have happy workers with enhanced engagement and increased productivity.
On the other hand, where employees feel like they are merely ‘a number’, then all the ‘happiness hours’ in the world will not help!
We know that managing people is not easy. If leaders don’t have the necessary vital communication skills, then they need to be trained to develop this skillset as part of their leadership portfolio.
Communications is key to a successful business! To motivate its workforce, the DNA has to train its managers, at all levels, to recognise that the company’s most important asset is its human resource.
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