Workplace Stress

Using your time effectively if unemployed

Try to look at unemployment as a time of opportunity; to view the world with a different perspective and to re-evaluate who you are and what you want.

Don’t Get Stressed out Because of Sloppy Work

With all of us, there will be aspects of our jobs that we may not like and, therefore, in which we don’t excel. Don’t that mean you get careless and sloppy?

Coaching Session

Stressed Out and Firefighting – again!

Do you regard yourself as acting reactively or proactively, the majority of the time? Do you pride yourself on your ‘firefighting skills’ or your planning expertise? Find out how to increase your productivity and performance.


Retirement and the ‘Knowledge Drain’

Be careful of the ‘knowledge drain’. Retiring employees can bring added value to the organisation, albeit in a different capacity than previously. Their years of insider knowledge about your organisation, your industry and customers could just walk out of the door!

Stressed? Are you addicted to technology?

Do you find yourself waking up at 3 am to check your email or Facebook account? Is your addiction to the internet having a negative effect on your relationships? Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when not on-line?

Making New Year Resolutions Stick

You can give yourself all the excuses in the world for eating badly – you are busy, you haven’t had time to eat properly, you have had a really challenging day either in the office or with the children. However, the one thing for sure that 2014 will bring most of us is that little word, ‘stress’, so let us look at way of how you can reduce it naturally.