How to cope with trauma
You can’t prepare for a traumatic incident. But management can learn proven techniques for post-trauma interventions that work.
You can’t prepare for a traumatic incident. But management can learn proven techniques for post-trauma interventions that work.
As we start 2015, let us reflect on all of those things for which we should be grateful.
Perfectionists are sometimes aware that their constant aim for standards are stressful and possibly unreasonable
Retirement is a fact. Industry play a vital role to help retirees to manage this chapter of their lives.
Born lucky or make your own luck. The debate is still open.
It is always difficult to ‘let-go’ of what was successful in the past because it means that we may need to modify our vision for the future. ‘Letting go’ in order to adapt to changed market conditions is a necessary attribute of the smart professional. He, or she, knows that nothing stands still for long and that sales and profits are always moving targets.
An organisational culture gives a structural foundation. Does yours?
‘Have you got a minute’ syndrome decreased performance and productivity. Be honest – do you tend to interrupt your colleagues for no real reason? Read this week’s blog.
Do you regard yourself as acting reactively or proactively, the majority of the time? Do you pride yourself on your ‘firefighting skills’ or your planning expertise? Find out how to increase your productivity and performance.
You can choose your friends but you cant choose the people you work with. Find out how to get on better with those around you.