Does being a Perfectionist Cause you Stress?
Perfectionists are sometimes aware that their constant aim for standards are stressful and possibly unreasonable
Perfectionists are sometimes aware that their constant aim for standards are stressful and possibly unreasonable
International Women’s day has always had a specialmeaning for me. To read of the stories of community, empowerment and leadership is such a motivation and encouragement for all women, whether at home or in the workplace.
The snow in London brought about a community spirit of ‘togetherness’ and this should be packaged for our workplaces.
Find out how to deal with stress when you have just been made redundant.
Stressed? We can show you how to deal with stress.
What is Stress? Of course stress exists, but the word ‘stress’ itself is often applied incorrectly. Many people will use it when they have a temporary work overload, whereas in fact stress only occurs when a person perceives (over a prolonged period) that they have insufficient personal resources to cope with a given situation.
Stressed because your desk is untidy? I believe that a tidy desk will improve your efficiency and make your working time more enjoyable.
Relieve stress in your retirement. For many the thought of retirement may seem a very long way into the future. However, it comes to us all eventually and for that new chapter in one’s life to be successful, it requires careful planning for the transition from work to leisure.
With the summer in Europe nearly over as we approach September, it is time to think about getting ourselves back into our working routine of facing the early morning traffic jams and the school run.
Life takes on a different, more relaxed pace during the summer with the stress of having to watch the clock 24/7, being put on hold for a while. However, when we now return to the office, we need to change gear and make the necessary adjustments to work mode. Emails, work deadlines, meetings, and efficiency once again become the order of the day.
But the summer holiday can also be used as a time of reflection, both for yourself and for all those members of your team, says Motivational Speaker Carole Spiers.
Stressed? We all have days when nothing seems to go right and when we are prone to make silly mistakes. However, when bad days turn into bad weeks, it is time to take stock and to reflect on why things are going wrong, seemingly everyday.