stress and anxiety

Coaching Session

Hard work never hurt anyone! Need some stress relief?

Are you being asked to work longer for no more money?
Would you like your team to put in more hours without feeling resentful?

How can you ensure people still put in the hours without feeling resentful or become stressed? Three simple solutions come to mind from, Stress Management expert, Carole Spiers.

Stress management can be good for your heart

A healthy person can respond to pressure and enjoy the stimulus. However a person who has been under intense pressure over a long period is unlikely to have sufficient coping reserves to manage cumulative stress. The first signs that they are not coping will inevitably show up in their work performance, in their behaviour and, ultimately, also in their appearance and persona. It is rather like a car trying to run on an empty tank.

Stress Help: When Silence is Stressful

Bottling-up your grievances at work causes stress and anxiety. Now research proves decisively that it causes heart disease. The chance to log your problems in a formal report is an important key to a healthy workplace.