Stress Relief: Wear a smile every day…

A smile can be a great energy booster both for the giver and the receiver, so why don’t we all smile more often? You may say that you don’t always feel like smiling or that you’re not in the mood, and that may well be the case but just think of the effect of your mood has on those with whom you meet, your spouse, your colleague or your child

Coaching Session

Learn How to Manage Your Anger

How many times do you feel angry but don’t know why? How often do
you become aggressive and say things you don’t really mean, and then feel upset and guilty afterwards? Similar events happen to most of us, at some time, and we fail to understand the reasons.

Relieve Stress in Your Retirement

Relieve stress in your retirement. For many the thought of retirement may seem a very long way into the future. However, it comes to us all eventually and for that new chapter in one’s life to be successful, it requires careful planning for the transition from work to leisure.


Stress Reduction: Beating the Holiday Blues

With the summer in Europe nearly over as we approach September, it is time to think about getting ourselves back into our working routine of facing the early morning traffic jams and the school run.

Life takes on a different, more relaxed pace during the summer with the stress of having to watch the clock 24/7, being put on hold for a while. However, when we now return to the office, we need to change gear and make the necessary adjustments to work mode. Emails, work deadlines, meetings, and efficiency once again become the order of the day.

But the summer holiday can also be used as a time of reflection, both for yourself and for all those members of your team, says Motivational Speaker Carole Spiers.

Stress Reduction: Summer Activity

When my children were small, I would always look forward to the summer holidays although my friends would often laugh at me. How could I stand ‘the kids’ being at home all the time and have to entertain them, 24/7? Fortunately, I had a spacious garden, in which they could play, and we would go to museums, parks, have play-dates with other children and sometimes go away for a week or two. However, during term time one of the biggest stressors to me was the continual looking at my watch to make sure I was on time to do the never-ending ‘school run’. And so, when the summer arrived, it was a relief not to have to nag the children to do their homework, practice the piano, cello or violin, or rehearse their ‘times-tables’. So for me, summer was bliss.

Stressed? Cellphones and Family Holidays

Last week, when walking by the sea, I paused to watch family members on holiday enjoying the summer sunshine. Whilst some small children rushed excitedly from one side of the boating lake to the other, and others were playing in the sand, adults often chatted distractedly into their mobile phones. Cries of ‘Daddy, Daddy!’ or […]

Learn to Work from Home and How to Deal with Stress

With many people now taking early retirement or being made redundant and starting up their own businesses, Motivational Speaker, Carole Spiers says that now might be good time to look at the challenges of running a business from home.

Mother Nature as a Stress Reliever

Headley Court, the UK’s armed forces’ dedicated rehabilitation centre, is offering gardening therapy to their patients – servicemen and women – who are trying to heal wounds gained in combat and to rejoin their units as quickly as possible, albeit sometimes in a different role.
Find out from motivational speaker, Carole Spiers, how gardening helps soldiers come to terms with their psychological or physiological loss.