stress symptoms

Author of Show Stress Who’s Boss! says, ‘Distracted Driving Can Get You Killed!’

It is so easy to do. You are driving along quite happily, the road is clear, the sun is shining and you are almost on auto-pilot. You think of a message to send to someone and so you pick up your phone and start texting. You know that you are taking your eye off the road and you know you shouldn’t be texting but there is not much traffic around, so why not?

Sound familiar? Can you really say that you have never done this before? Maybe you are one of the few who can put their hands on their heart and say ‘never’ but there are many others who would quietly put up their hands and admit to this one, says Carole Spiers, Author of Show Stress Who’s Boss!

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Learn How to Manage Your Anger

How many times do you feel angry but don’t know why? How often do
you become aggressive and say things you don’t really mean, and then feel upset and guilty afterwards? Similar events happen to most of us, at some time, and we fail to understand the reasons.

Coaching Session

Treat Birthdays as Time Markers says Motivational Speaker Carole Spiers

Birthdays can be times of reflection and questioning of oneself. If you are not driving yourself hard enough, then ask yourself the question “why not?” If stress in your life is wearing you down, then take action to find out how to avoid it, says Motivational Speaker, Carole Spiers. The human body is fragile, as we well know, but it also can be strongly resilient. But it will only be so if psychologically and physiologically you are in good shape, and confident.

Learn to Work from Home and How to Deal with Stress

With many people now taking early retirement or being made redundant and starting up their own businesses, Motivational Speaker, Carole Spiers says that now might be good time to look at the challenges of running a business from home.

Stress management can be good for your heart

A healthy person can respond to pressure and enjoy the stimulus. However a person who has been under intense pressure over a long period is unlikely to have sufficient coping reserves to manage cumulative stress. The first signs that they are not coping will inevitably show up in their work performance, in their behaviour and, ultimately, also in their appearance and persona. It is rather like a car trying to run on an empty tank.

Stress Help: When Silence is Stressful

Bottling-up your grievances at work causes stress and anxiety. Now research proves decisively that it causes heart disease. The chance to log your problems in a formal report is an important key to a healthy workplace.