relieve stress

Stress Relief: Wear a smile every day…

A smile can be a great energy booster both for the giver and the receiver, so why don’t we all smile more often? You may say that you don’t always feel like smiling or that you’re not in the mood, and that may well be the case but just think of the effect of your mood has on those with whom you meet, your spouse, your colleague or your child

How to Deal With Stress: To Err is Human, to Forgive Divine…

We do not always behave or conduct ourselves as we should and there are certain times when we wish we had not spoken, or acted, as we did. Sometimes, we have to accept that our relationship with someone has been broken. However, later there often comes a time when we might wish to try to make amends. But what happens when the other person says it is too late or that they are no longer interested?

Time and Management: Tackle enemies of efficiency

How are your time management skills? Are you a good multi-tasker? People pride themselves on being able to multi-task but it might not be helping our efficiency. Or is it?


Stressed? When a Headache Becomes a Heart Attack!

What is Stress? Of course stress exists, but the word ‘stress’ itself is often applied incorrectly. Many people will use it when they have a temporary work overload, whereas in fact stress only occurs when a person perceives (over a prolonged period) that they have insufficient personal resources to cope with a given situation.

Relieve Stress in Your Retirement

Relieve stress in your retirement. For many the thought of retirement may seem a very long way into the future. However, it comes to us all eventually and for that new chapter in one’s life to be successful, it requires careful planning for the transition from work to leisure.