coping with stress


Stress Reduction: Beating the Holiday Blues

With the summer in Europe nearly over as we approach September, it is time to think about getting ourselves back into our working routine of facing the early morning traffic jams and the school run.

Life takes on a different, more relaxed pace during the summer with the stress of having to watch the clock 24/7, being put on hold for a while. However, when we now return to the office, we need to change gear and make the necessary adjustments to work mode. Emails, work deadlines, meetings, and efficiency once again become the order of the day.

But the summer holiday can also be used as a time of reflection, both for yourself and for all those members of your team, says Motivational Speaker Carole Spiers.

Coaching Session

Treat Birthdays as Time Markers says Motivational Speaker Carole Spiers

Birthdays can be times of reflection and questioning of oneself. If you are not driving yourself hard enough, then ask yourself the question “why not?” If stress in your life is wearing you down, then take action to find out how to avoid it, says Motivational Speaker, Carole Spiers. The human body is fragile, as we well know, but it also can be strongly resilient. But it will only be so if psychologically and physiologically you are in good shape, and confident.

Learn to Work from Home and How to Deal with Stress

With many people now taking early retirement or being made redundant and starting up their own businesses, Motivational Speaker, Carole Spiers says that now might be good time to look at the challenges of running a business from home.

Workplace Bullying – a conspiracy of silence?

If people are in fear of going to work and watching the clock to get back to the safety of their home, then those people will be poor performers, poor sales people, poor producers and a bad advertisement for your firm, says Carole Spiers. That competitive disadvantage will also be reflected in your company’s image and your brand.

Coaching Session

Hard work never hurt anyone! Need some stress relief?

Are you being asked to work longer for no more money?
Would you like your team to put in more hours without feeling resentful?

How can you ensure people still put in the hours without feeling resentful or become stressed? Three simple solutions come to mind from, Stress Management expert, Carole Spiers.

Motivational Speaker Carole Spiers says … Don’t let Passive aggression inhibit team-building

Motivational Speaker Carole Spiers says that passive aggression may seem an improvement on active aggression, but it can destroy the momentum of a project. Often it is linked to inadequate change management, causing needless stress at work.